There is a lot of noise out there making it tough to climb up to the top. You know there are great artists out there that never get discovered. Then there are some mediocre ones that seem to take off. The great ones that are hidden out there are just not getting the mass exposure they need. I thought about a mix on DatPiff, but saw what looked like thousands of artists competing to get their stuff downloaded for free. Then I looked into how I could buy DatPiff views. With your mix on DatPiff, you want it looked at and downloaded as much as possible. Even having it streamed is nice.
It is funny how you got to start out giving something away for free to get the professionals to notice you. One way to show them you can be a money maker is to have a huge following online. To get that huge following online, you need to have a lot of people wanting to listen to your stuff. Offering it for free download on DatPiff can get thousands and thousands of potential fans to hear your talent. That is, if they see you on the site. They may overlook you in the sea of other talent out there competing. If you buy DatPiff views, I think it ups your ranking on their home page.
Popular artists get noticed because they show up highly ranked on the site for simply being popular. However, what is a great way to get instant popularity on DatPiff? I think it is to buy DatPiff views. Up that count higher and higher to increase the ranking. Then you get noticed because you start showing up as the number on looked at or downloaded artist. Then when you get a higher rank with lots of views or downloads, you can show those numbers to agents, producers and record companies.