A touch screen or virtual touch screen monitor is simply an assembly of two an output and input devices. Typically the touch screen is either layered above an internal light-source of a computer information processing system or on the surface of a touch screen display. The screen is typically LCD or LED screen, while the unit is typically a cell phone, laptop, or tablet computer. Touch screen monitors are generally used for input control, like interacting with a touch screen display, as well as output control such as displaying video. Touch screen monitors allow the user to manipulate the content by gliding their finger over the screen.
These types of monitors are becoming more popular with everyday consumers. Touch screen monitors are available in several different types including resistive, capacitive, infrared, acoustic, and acoustic wave. Resistive touch screen monitors use a charge to create a small electric impulse when the finger is passed over the monitor. Capacitive monitors work through pressure, often using a combination of the resistive and capacitive technologies.
Acoustic wave technology is one that most people have heard about but are not too familiar with. Generally, these types of touch monitors use an enclosed acoustic chamber to project the image. There are several advantages of using an acoustic touch screen monitor, including the fact that they offer better image quality and are less susceptible to screen burn which can occur with other types of computer monitors.
When looking at the various types of portable monitors, it is important to consider how they will be used. One of the most common uses of a touch screen monitor is while viewing media on a portable DVD player or other similar device. These types of portable monitors are typically small and very easy to carry around. Also, depending on the device, they may have their own built in battery for constantly charging. If so, this would be our first choice in selecting a touch screen monitor.
Many people find themselves using portable monitors not only when watching media but also while performing activities such as playing games. Again, it all depends on the situation. If the user prefers to view digital pictures or videos while playing a video game, then one of the best touch monitors to have would be a capacitive type. These types of touch screens give the user the ability to focus on specific objects in the game without having to move their fingers to the screen.
Touch screen monitors come in a variety of different sizes, including portable models that fit in your pocket or purse. They generally range in price from around $100 up to several hundred dollars, depending on the size of the display and what features they include. Typically, these larger display ports give users the ability to view photos, videos and game play at the same time without using multiple devices. In addition, many of today’s modern monitors come with wide viewing angles, allowing you to view your screen at different angles from across the room. While touch screen monitors come in a variety of different sizes, those with the best technology and the best warranties often come in six, seven, or eight inch sizes to meet the needs of most consumers.
Touch screen monitors with better displayports also offer tilting capabilities. This is an important feature for anyone who plays computer games or works on a computer or LCD television. Today, many manufacturers are offering tilt and swivel display capabilities in order to allow consumers to adjust the position of the display panel so that they can see it clearly from any position in the room. Some even offer full range of motion so that you can move your finger across the screen from side to side or up and down. While most of these tilt and swivel units require the use of a USB cord, there are some that connect directly to your personal computer or to a wall outlet.
A touch screen monitor will generally have displayport connections but the connection may vary according to the type of monitor you buy. There are generally three display port connections available: DVI, VGA, and HDMI. The most common types of display port connections are DVI, VGA, and HDMI. When purchasing your monitor, you should purchase a monitor that has all three of these options. It is also a good idea to buy a monitor that offers at least a 75 watt refresh rate in order to eliminate screen burn which is especially noticeable with DVI displays.