The Digital Signage Federation (DSFA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the Digital Signage industry. The DSF represents the interests of both manufacturers and service providers and works to bring standards and regulations to the industry. Its members are companies, government agencies, and individuals. It also advocates for the adoption of new technologies and demonstrates best practices.
AssoDS is an association for digital signage operators. Membership is only EUR 150 a year and its objectives are to form a community that shares knowledge and creates a circle of experience. AssoDS also works as an advocate for the industry, interacting with government agencies and institutions. The association was formed in October following meetings between key stakeholders in the digital signage industry.
In its latest report, the association has released the Digital Signage Business Climate Index for EMEA. This survey, conducted in partnership with OVAB Europe, covers the digital signage market in the region. The report also features detailed country reports for countries like Italy, Germany and Switzerland. It also features a special report about digital out-of-home (DooH).
The show also offers educational programs and showcases the latest technologies. Speakers from industry leaders share their experience and expertise at this event. The show also presents new products and services, and explores market development trends. Attendees come from many different industries, including advertising agencies and system integrators.
Digital Signage Federation
The Digital Signage Federation (DSF) is a non-profit organization that promotes the advancement of the Digital Signage industry. Its mission is to help businesses of all sizes and types make the most of digital signage technology. To achieve this goal, the DSF has a number of different programs that it sponsors.
The DSF provides an environment for companies in the digital signage industry to learn about the latest innovations and technological advances in the industry. It also supports research to develop new standards and legislation. It is comprised of an independent Board of Directors, and is run by volunteers. Its members are professionals in the digital signage industry who are elected by their peers.
The DSF also sponsors regional networking events and the annual Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas, the largest digital signage trade show. This event showcases the latest innovations and technologies before the competition does.
Digital Screenmedia Association
The Digital Screenmedia Association (DSA) is a nonprofit organization with members in the digital signage, interactive kiosk, and mobile kiosk industries. The organization is dedicated to the growth and excellence of the industry through education, networking, and advocacy. Members of the organization include companies from all industries, and include large and small companies.
The DSA awards recognize the best use of digital signage, mobile technology, and self-service kiosks. The association also honors the top implementations in all market segments. Stuart Armstrong will serve as the association’s president. In addition, Janet L. Webster, president of Creative Solutions Consulting, will be the executive vice president.