I knew that I needed to move into an office, but I just did not know how I was going to make it happen. I knew that even if I had a small office in a location not considered prime, it would still be more money than I could afford. It goes beyond rent, because that is just one of the factors. Others include at least one other person because I would not be able to handle walk in customers on my own if I was already with another one. That is when someone suggested a Singapore virtual office to me, because it would give me the independence that I really needed to have to run my own office.
I looked at the website that he referred me to, and it was the first time I had read about virtual offices in so much detail. I had heard of them before, of course, but I still didn’t know what they were until I had read the information on this site. In addition to educating myself on what a virtual office is, I also realized that it was the answer to my problems.
I would not need to budget in the other factors for an office because everything is included in this price, even parking! Instead of hiring a receptionist to help me, there is a receptionist that services all of the virtual offices in her area. I would not have to make a client wait while I greeted another one, which was one of my main concerns because it just seems unprofessional in my eyes. I also would not have to worry about utilities, parking fees, maintenance costs, insurance or a number of other things that office dwellers face on a regular basis. This is exactly what I needed to go to the next step in my career!